Fall 2021
Our Program
HLC’S program for two-year-olds is likely to be your child's first introduction to school. We make this first experience a positive one by as providing a wealth of love, care, and security. This nurturing environment is designed to encourage the child’s natural curiosity of learning. The teachers introduce students to a variety of activities that engage and stimulate growth. Children enrolling in the 2’s program must be two by September 1st. If space is available, rolling admission is accepted once your child has turned two.
In HLC’s program for three-year-olds, an emphasis is placed on the child’s natural love of learning and successful socialization. Both are fostered through play, with the help of knowledgeable teachers who integrate the individual children into a group experience. All of our subject matter is taught through weekly or monthly age-appropriate themes. Skill development is infused throughout our 3’s curriculum and progress is assessed monthly.
HLC’s program for 4-year-olds is designed to provide students with the confidence and skills they need to enter kindergarten. Children continue to enjoy the play and creativity of preschool while learning more about transitions from free play activities to structured activities. In addition to weekly learning themes, our 4’s will work on upper and lowercase letter recognition, develop a curiosity for reading and writing, count rationally, copy patterns, sort and classify, and much, much more.