Sunday school


Start your Sunday morning with DONUTS. Youth gather in the youth room every Sunday morning for games, fun lesson and let’s not forget about the donuts.

Sunday Night

6:30-7:45 pm

Our Youth gather at Heritage where they share highs and lows of the week around the table in an open family-style discussion. Pastor Skye and Willie Hadnot, Jr provides guidance in working through the hard questions of life through the Bible. It is a time of dialog and reflection, using multimedia formats.


It's that time again...TIME to sign up to provide a Sunday night dinner or $$$ for dinner.
Dinner starts at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Plan for 15-20 students.  Plates and cups, etc, provided.

This year, I have added drinks and dessert to the sign-up. You can stock the pantry with drinks and desserts or bring them on a specific night.