Nick McQuillan:

Book: Power of Habit

Food: Pork chops

Movie: Tombstone and Teen Wolf

Season: Fall

Activities/Hobbies: Fantasy Sports and DYI

Scripture: Luke 24

Time of Day: 2:15pm

Sports: YES :)

Family Tradition: Decorating for Christmas

Cereal: Golden Grahams

Cake or Ice Cream: Ice Cream

Random Facts:

What website do you visit the most? eBay

What do you like most about your job?  Fixing things

Most people don’t know this about me? I like 90’s tv shows and wrestling

What is one thing you can do really well? Organize everything

Boring Facts:

Born: Luray, VA

Family:Wife = Skye and Cooper our dog

Lived in Annapolis: October 2014