June 28, 2020
Here are some reflection questions to think about after the service:
-Fill in the blank: God says I am _______.
-How does my life parallel Jesus?
-How can I relinquish my pride, power, and privilege?
-Where is God taking me? How can I be ready to obey
June 21, 2020
Hello Church Family!
Happy Father’s Day! Praying for each of you as we participate in worship. Holy Spirit move in our lives!
Reflection questions:
-What are your greatest challenges with change?
-How would you say you have handled the global changes over the last few months?
-Where would you say you are in relation to the river? (EX: top, walking down, on the shoreline, in the river?)
Many blessings to YOU this Sunday!
June 14, 2020
Here are some reflection questions to think about after the service
Here are some reflection questions to think about after the service:
-How do you hear God?
-How do you know it is God?
-Have you ever heard someone say, “God told me to ____” and yet questioned if it was something God would require?
-How does Jesus’ strategy of sending people out to proclaim, even before they feel ready, applicable to your life right now?
-Look at your schedule for this week? Where can you make time to spend with God? Be intentional about spending time with God.
June 7, 2020
In these unprecedented times, we need to be together in whatever way is possible. It’s important to note as you participate in the service that justice and the Gospel go hand-in-hand.
Here are some reflection questions:
-What is one word or phrase that spoke to you in today’s service?
-Look back at your artwork. Spend time processing why you created those picture or words in the Lord’s Prayer.
-Why do difficult times draw us closer to Jesus?
-Are you allowing God an opportunity to speak into your life?
-How can you help bring the light to someone this week?
May 31st
Pentecost has arrived!
Praying for you today as you participate in worship. Holy Spirit move in our lives!
Reflection question:
-Jesus teaches us to pray. How can you include the Lord’s Prayer into your daily rhythm?
-Do you have an experience where the presence of God was clear and overpowering? Describe.
-How are we, God’s people, where heaven and earth meet?
-How will you give heaven to someone this week?
Our scripture journey continues this week. We’ll be sending an email with the scripture texts on Monday morning. We move from the book of Acts to a journey following Jesus in the Matthew. I hope you will join us and invite others to participate.
May 24th
Welcome to our digital Sunday service. I pray these Sunday moments will bring you a deep sense of God’s presence, peace, and joy as it fills your homes. I believe there are very few moments too sacred for laughter. Whether it’s a fun welcome, silly comment, or Short News, I hope you are able to smile today. As always, thanks for inviting us into your homes. I am praying for you.
TEXT: Acts 1:1-14
Questions for reflection after the service:
-Why do you think the disciples misunderstand the agenda of God’s Kingdom?
-What do you think the importance of Jesus’ ascension?
-In what ways does Jesus keep pushing you higher?
-What is God speaking to you today?
-What areas of your life is God saying, “stop and wait”?
You are loved!
May 17th
I miss being with you in person each week but we are very honored to be welcomed into your homes via our online service.
I pray that you will be encouraged as you watch and participate. Before the services begins you will need to gather paper, writing/coloring utensils, and your Bible. We have a fun service planned!
Reflection question:
-How have you seen people unintentionally sabotage their message?
-How adaptable would you say you are?
-Are there things you intentionally or unintentionally hold back from God?
-How can love be more evident in your life?
-What is God building with your life?
-Are you ready for God?
Our scripture journey continues this week. We’ll be sending an email with the scripture texts on Monday morning.
May 10th
Welcome to worship! It’s the significant times, like Mother’s Day, that are the hardest to be away from each other. I know many of you find this day a challenge and others celebrate. Whatever emotions confront you today, I hope you will be encouraged today.
Some reflection questions to consider:
-What curveballs has life thrown at you?
-What decisions, prior to the curveball, put you in a position to overcome?
-How could you have been better prepared for the curveball?
-Do you think you can ever be prepared for life’s curveballs?
-How have the curveballs shaped your life?
-How does making a decision to follow Christ before life’s curveballs bring greater clarity to the situation(s)?
May 3rd
I hope you continue to adjust and embrace this new journey we are all on together. In the next couple of weeks, we dream, that we’ll be talking about what returning to church might look like. The staff has already been brainstorming ideas about how we might safety return when we are given the “thumbs up” from local officials. Until then, we hope you are able to find these moments worshipful.
Today we are in Acts 2:42-47. I love this passage! Today, before pushing play on the service please gather three things (1) a candle, (2) bread, and (3) juice/wine. Make due with whatever you can find. There is freedom of interpretation in this time. Clearly, we will be receiving the elements of communion. On the video, there is not much guidance given. Please make this time meaningful to your family by doing it in whatever way you are able (pray, rip the bread, dip bread or receive separately). I pray this will be a wonderful time together.
Questions of reflection:
-How can I welcome people to my table?
-Why do you think the early Christians spent so much time together?
-Do you think the same outcome is possible for us, if we are willing to surrender fully to Christ and live in community?
-What do you miss about being together?
-What do you hope for in the future?
Heritage is an amazing church. These services are planned and produced with YOU in mind. I pray that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to move each of closer to God and each other.
Today we go on a field trip!
Watch and see…
Rhythms are an important part of our lives as we set up a day/week/month for the things that matter most. While we cannot be together in-person, I think it is very important to keep the rhythm of church and personal time will God as a top priority. We will send out this week’s scripture reading plan at 6am on Monday morning.
This week the lectionary text takes us to the book of Acts! I have been reading and listening to the stories of the early church and find many similarities to our current time. There were so many unknowns, questions about the future, and yet they went forth empowered by the Holy Spirit. These virtual services and our continued work in the community through this crisis is our confidence that God is going to provide a way through.
Here are some reflection questions to think about after the service:
-Fill in the blank: God is with me when I am _______.
-What have been some starting points in your life?
-How do you think your starting points may impact people you’ll never know?
-How do you imagine the people felt hearing Peter proclaiming the message about Christ?
-How do you think Peter felt finally being able to stand up and lead?
-How is the church in Acts similar to our situation right now?
-How did God speak to you through the music?
Welcome to the Second Sunday of Easter!
Our digital liturgy is filled with interesting twists this week. To make our worship personal (and corporate) we are working hard to include a variety of people. Today, you will be welcomed into living rooms, music studios, a family walk, and inside our church sanctuary. I imagine each of your homes being transformed into a sanctuary (holy space) during this next few moments. I hope you are intentionally setting aside time to gather around these worship services each week with your family. It matters to our long-term spiritual health.
Our scripture text, comes from the lectionary, John 20:19-31. Pastor Skye will be preaching today. I look forward to what God will reveal to us today!
Questions for reflection:
When is time in your life you have felt like Thomas?
What is the hardest thing about waiting?
What fear, anxiety or problem are you going to ask God to help you with this week?
The best news is in the world is proclaimed today...CHRIST IS RISEN!
Resurrection changes everything! Today, in our worship service, I pray you will be able to experience our victorious joy of Easter. The scripture text is Matthew 28:1-10. Before you begin the online service please take a moment to read this text. The staff and church members artwork will guide you through worship.
I am praying for you today!
Questions of reflection:
-What piece of art was the most meaningful to you? Why?
-When have you experienced resurrection (something dead coming to life)?
-What does resurrection look like out of COVID-19?
-What new patterns are you implementing into your life that will foster your spiritual growth?
God is good! We will experience the joy of resurrection as we seek Jesus Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness. I am blown away by your resiliency. Better days are ahead!
GIVING: You can mail a check to the church (1740 Forest Drive, Annapolis 21401) or online at www.HeritageLoves.com/onlinegiving. Before you send your gift, please pray over your financial gift and ask that God provide for everything we need. God provides for everything in His will.
Blessings to all!
Peace to you,Scott Shelton
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). This is the day we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It will be unlike any triumphal entry the people had ever seen. Instead of a grand horse symbolizing power, authority, and dominance, Jesus will be riding on a lowly donkey.
Jesus Christ “humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8). He washed feet. He gave dignity to the poor, lepers, and the broken. Today we rejoice but there is a dramatic turn of events as he begins his journey up a crowded street of celebratory citizens.
Reflection questions:
· Why do you think Jesus’ servant spirit is so important to the overall theme in the New Testament?
· How do you embrace the call of humility and servanthood with friends? At work? At home?
· How is Jesus shifting the storyline of a typical triumphal entry important to his calling?
· How can you shift the storyline of what people expect a Christian to be?
Remember, “God gives grace to the humble,” (James 4:6). May we walk humbly this week as we keep our soul’s attention on Jesus Christ.
I pray these Sunday moments will bring you a deep sense of God’s presence, peace, and laughter to fill your homes. Thanks for inviting us into your homes. I am praying for you.
Follow-up comments/questions for reflection after the service:
The work of Jesus is real and personal. Think about it…Jesus is personal. In your situation. In the midst of your fear. During your health concern. With all the unknowns. Jesus is personal.
Personal intimacy with Christ is a livable realty for you. In fact, we may find the intimacy with Jesus we have been running after our entire lives. Through solitude, reflection, scripture reading, journaling, and prayer – you have the chance to be healed. You have the chance to be raised from the death of over-extension, self-centeredness, and greed. I pray you will experience the transformation and confidence that comes from knowing Jesus Christ personally.
Questions to consider:
-How is Jesus personal?
-In this story, what feelings do you most associate with? (i.e. grief, hope, or frustration)
-What are all the miracles you find in this story?
-What parts of your life need to be resurrected?
Sunday March 22, 2020
John 9 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind