Spiritual Formation


Contemplative Prayer


Mondays from 12-12:30pm

A reflective service of scripture reading, listening prayer, and silence. There is little commentary - we gather and root ourselves by silently listening for God. This can be a beautiful corrective if your days are filled with turmoil, uncertainty, and unrest

Pastors Book Club

Every other Tuesday, we will gather online for the Pastor's Book Club. The first book will be Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. The first session (March 11th) will cover pages xi-31. A set reading plan will be followed.

Prayer Partners

Sign up by March 2;

Runs through Lent

A relational-based practice designed to help you experience prayer and support. You’ll be matched to one person and you’ll work together to talk and pray for 30 minutes each week.

Art Club

Art Club; Idea Lab

TBD at 1:30pm

Practice creativity and conversation with Pastor Skye and others.



  • Dwell Audio Bible

  • Lectio365 - A daily contemplative prayer app that has morning, noon, and evening prayer sessions

  • www.Pray-as-you-go.org & app

  • renovare.com

  • practicingtheway.org

  • d365.org


  • Life With God, Nathan Foster, Renovaré

  • The Bible Project Podcast


  • Every Moment Holy by Douglas Kaine McKelvey - a book of prayers for various situations in life.

  • Woven by Meredith Miller - parenting

  • The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster - Spiritual Practices

  • The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas - Spiritual Formation


  • Taize - meditative music with scripture